At this point, you're not ready to actually test this out with an unmarshal-marshal cycle ( although you will do that later); instead, just examine the source and check for potential problems. 在目前,您还没有准备好通过解组-编组循环测试输出的结果(尽管以后要这样做),首先来分析源代码中可能存在的潜在问题。
The life cycle category is particularly important; it is used to check the completion status of an activity before the application or component moves to the next activity or repeats itself. 生命周期这一类特别重要;它被用于在应用程序或组件转移到下一个活动或重复当前活动之前检查活动的完成情况。
Cancer is caused by mutational damage to genes that otherwise hold a cell's reproductive cycle in check, and thus stop that cell proliferating. 癌症是由于基因变异产生的,它控制了细胞的再生,阻止细胞的分裂。
The life cycle of a check begins when the drawer writes a check and delivers it to the pages. In case the lace of issue is missing in a cheque, the business premises, domicile or habitual residence of the drawer is the place of issue. 支票的有效周期始于出票人开好支票,交给受款人之际。支票上未记载出票地的,出票人的营业场所、所或者经常居住地为出票地。
The fault points were found, the repair was simplified and the repair cycle was shortened by check, eyeballing, audition, feeling and odor. 利用查询法、目测法、声响检听法、触摸感觉法、气味辨别法可以迅速的查出故障点,简化修理程序,缩短修理时间。
By closely monitoring each bank individually and responding to lending surges with regular targeted reserve requirement adjustments and tighter capital requirements the regulators hope to smooth out the credit cycle and keep overall credit growth in check. 监管机构希望,通过对各家银行进行单独的密切监控,以及以定期进行的存款准备金率调整和更严格的资本金要求来应对信贷激增,能够平抑信贷周期,并控制总体信贷增长。
This paper introduces the driving principle, system, working cycle and rolling check attachments of a flexible gear milling machine, that is capable of cutting arc and cycloidal gears. 本文介绍了一种技术灵活性强,能实现弧线和摆线两种齿线等高齿加工的铣齿机的传动原理、系统、工作循环以及滚动检查附件。
Cyclin D may enforce cell cycle through the check point and cause independent cell division. cyClinD可以促使细胞通过检查点(CheckPoint),进入自主分裂程序。
In this paper a program control of CO Alarm Apparatus is designed with microcomputer technology and cycle check method. 利用单片机控制技术,采用巡回检测的方法,设计制作了程控一氧化碳报警器。
Cyclin D1 is a member of cell cycle regulating protein and plays an important role in the check point of G1/ S phase, and its overexpression can accelerate the translation from G1 to S phase and cell proliferation. 细胞周期素D1(cyClinD1)是细胞周期调节蛋白的一员,在G1/S期调控点发挥重要作用;其过表达可加速细胞的G1→S期转换和恶性增殖。
Compared with the theoretical fatigue life of helical gear shaft and the social work cycle, and check the correctness of calculation method. 将理论计算的疲劳寿命同斜齿轮轴疲劳断裂的实际工作周期相比较,验证该计算的准确性。
Finally, enter the sales cycle, consumers can rely on the bar code on the outer packaging of agricultural products, by querying the terminal to check all the information in the crop products from the production, processing, packaging to the sales process. 最后进入销售环节,消费者可以凭借农作物外包装上的条码,通过查询终端来查询农作物产品从生产、加工、包装到销售的过程中的所有信息。
The finite field and dual diagonal structure are combined to construct check matrix, which does not have four cycle and can implement rapid encoding. According to the characteristic of the check matrix, an overlapped semi-parallel decoder is come up with. 结合有限域和双对角线结构,提出了一种不存在四环并且可以实现快速编码的构造校验矩阵的方法,并根据该校验矩阵的特性,提出了一种重叠半并行译码结构。
All patients with menstrual cycle rules, have no endocrine disorder or immunological and metabolic diseases; routine preoperative laboratory tests of liver and kidney functions were normal, check tumor biomarkers to exclusive malignancy, three months before surgery did not receive hormone therapy. 所有患者月经周期规则,无其他内分泌、免疫和代谢性疾病,术前常规化验肝、肾功能均正常,检查肿瘤标记物以排除恶性肿瘤,术前3个月内未接受激素治疗。